W.H.O. Are you?

Today (you may have noticed I waffle) I am calling the program to uplift 100k black families "WHO": The Warrior to Hero Organization.  I'm going to PAY new black belts to learn what mental and emotional tools they used to earn that belt, many of which they have never really considered.  And how to apply those same tools to finding love, building a stable family, and creating wealth: a life lived like a masterpiece.  Life as art.


I've made my first investment in that direction, to my beloved karate instructor: find me black belts, I said. Make them smart, and driven.   Tell them I'll pay them for two hours of their time that can transform their lives.


The train has started moving.   I have to get out in front and lay track.



A man in a boat was drifting down the river, napping.  There were two other men, one on each side.  One says:  "looking good!  Have fun!"


The other said:  "You are heading toward the waterfall!  Row for shore!"


And the man in the boat said: "stop guilt tripping me!   That violates the Three Gates!"




If you would want someone to warn you of the waterfall and rapids, then it is kind to warn others.  At the least, it is INTENDED as kindness.  They may not interpret it that way, and here you have to make your own decision: was it kind?   Did you awaken them to a problem while there was still time to correct course, and suggest an alternative action?  If they believe there is no waterfall, they will hate you for awakening them. If they believe there is, but it is too late, they will blame you for connecting them with their sense of despair.


All you can really do is treat others as you would wish to be treated.  Trust me: people who don't want to wake up will be much less likely to wake YOU up when you need it.   This person may not be a member of the tribe you are trying to build as you improve 1% per day.


You HAVE to seek the truth.  And if you honestly believe that truth will decrease suffering and increase joy, then be of service and share it.


Those of your tribe will hear, and reciprocate.  Those who have no belief in waterfall, or no faith in their own ability to avoid them…will avoid YOU.  And blame you for the guilt and shame they carry in their hearts, numbing it by any means possible.


You have to decide who you are, and where you are going. And then take one step every day in that direction. And…you cannot take everyone with you.


Be the Hero in the adventure of your lifetime…



(If you are tired of Doomscrolling, if you want to take control of the first hour of your day, and learn to turn toxic emotion into power, join us at www.lifewrite.com.  Totally free. Totally positive.


Spring Always Comes


The “Diamond Hour”—Explained